student wellbeing:


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As already explained, online education is a different experience from the classroom environment.

As you follow the steps outlined already:


  • Don’t study for too long in a single session, especially at the start of the course, because you may have difficulty taking in all the information. You will find your ability to concentrate for longer times will soon increase with practice
  • Keep your ‘chunks’ of study time small. This means doing a maximum of around 2 -3 hours per day, 5 days a week is optimal for focus and retention. 
    • Further break this down into smaller chunks of 20-25 mins before taking a short 5 min break,
  • If your schedule means it is necessary to do larger chunks of study time (eg 4-6 hours) in one day, breaks are even more important. Be sure to have 30 min lunch or meal break somewhere and be aware longer durations of study (over 3 hours) will require more regular breaks to keep your mind fresh, alert and attentive.
  • Taking hand written notes of each days content as you learn it will increase your understanding an retention
  • Try drafting images – flow charts, pictures and mind maps can also help increase our understanding
  • Read back over your notes at the end of the study session to recap on what you learnt
  • Then ask a family / household member to test you on what you have learnt later in the week
  • Note anything you have questions about in a different colour – so you can easily refer to these when you get in touch for guidance

  • Some people find reading out loud helps – the auditory stimulation can mean information goes into the brain more readily
  • Try this out and see if it is useful for you
  • Set a reminder on your phone to move and stretch every 20-30 minutes (pomodoro technique)
  • DON’T get into household chores in your break time – use it for refreshments (food, hydration and a stretch)
  • Avoid using your phone or put it on Silent / Aeroplane mode to minimise distractions
  • Let friends and family know when you are studying so they can leave you be. Let them know when you are available again too 🙂
  • If you know someone else who is studying the same course arrange question and answer sessions from time to time.
  • Join our Facebook Student Groups to connect with other students and even find study groups in your local area.
  • You can do this!! Set yourself small achievable goals and don’t let the size of the folders overwhelm you!
  • Have faith you are right where you are meant to be! Learning new things can be challenging, but if you cultivate a positive attitude of self belief you will have greater success than constantly lingering in self doubt.
  • Remember to put reward systems in place so you are rewarding yourself for reaching goals -eg when an Assessment is completed CELEBRATE! Having smile milestones along the way will help you keep going so take a moment to smell the roses every now and then
  • If you are lacking motivation, have worries or doubts try the Meditations designed to assist you and if that isn’t enough, book a support call with our Wellbeing Coach.