The World Health Organisation describe mental health as ‘A state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community’.
ACAC places high value on providing top education for students, while giving them skills that will serve them in their career for years to come.
Wellbeing and self-care are crucial components of this.
Learn more about the importance of mental health in this industry and what you can do to improve your wellbeing.
You’ll also discover how we can support you during your time studying with us.
Taking on a course of new study is often challenging, but this is especially so for vet nursing and other animal care professions. People drawn to these careers are often highly compassionate individuals who care deeply about animals.
Learning how to be an advocate for animals, while balancing your studies and caring for yourself are vital habits that will serve you in your career. And that’s what true wellbeing is really about.
As you undertake your studies, know we are here to assist you in bridging the gap as you learn new skills, juggle managing your time, the stress of studying and still have some self care in place.
We hold your mental and emotional wellbeing in high regard, knowing that a happy focused, well balanced student will do better in their studies, and thus in their future career.
The following resources, training videos, self-care strategies and a wellbeing coach are provided with all of this in mind; to ensure your success not only in completing your studies, but doing so with minimal stress and greater confidence.

Your wellbeing matters.
Use these Wellbeing resources to improve your mindset, be efficient with your studies, reduce stress or implement better self-care strategies.