student handbook


Two Initial Attempts Included in Course Fees
Every assessment includes two attempts as part of your course fees. The first attempt is your initial submission. Should you need a second attempt, it involves revising your first attempt. This gives you the opportunity to enhance your submission with additional or expanded evidence of your competency. However, please note that for certain submissions, like anaesthetic or medical records, you may need to provide a completely new attempt rather than an edit.


For your very first subject, you are allowed 3 attempts for the assessments. This additional support is provided so you can familiarise yourself with our academic standards and assessment methodologies. Here’s how it works:

  1. Initial Attempt: Your first submission, where you apply your learning to the assessment tasks.
  2. Second Attempt: If needed, you can revise and resubmit your assessment based on feedback or to enhance your responses.
  3. Third Attempt: If needed, this is your final attempt to revise and resubmit your assessment based on feedback or to enhance your responses.


If the assessment is not passed, it is deemed Not Satisfactory. Not Satisfactory also applies if students have presented evidence in a way that is not in line with the assessor guide or requires further clarification before we could determine competency against the associated units.

You should then continue to study the subject and complete all other assessment in that subject area. Once all assessments have been completed, you will be offered the opportunity to complete a custom Gap Assessment. This assessment will only focus on those areas you have not demonstrated satisfactory performance in. As long as you pass the Gap Assessment, you will receive a Competent grade for the associated Unit/s of Competency (pending all other unit requirements being met).

You can choose to not complete a Gap Assessment, however this will mean that the associated Unit/s of Competency will be graded as Not Yet Competent. To graduate, you will be required to reenrol in the subject/unit of competency and complete it with a passing grade.

NOTE: Additional fees apply to Gap Assessments and Subject or Unit of Competency reenrolments.

To apply for a Gap Assessment, you must complete Gap Assessment Request form (students must be logged in to access this) within 28 days of completing your last assessment for the subject. After 28 days, your subject will be finalised as Not Satisfactory and your Unit of Competency results updated.


Gap Assessments are offered as we believe that asking a student to reenrol to compete the subject/unit of competency in full again will not necessarily add to their learning. Gap Assessments also help to keep additional course enrolment fees to a minimum for students (as a Gap Assessment fee is much cheaper than reenrolment) and it avoids unnecessary double ups of study time and workload with no additional learning.

What happened to third attempts?

From December 1st 2023, third attempts have been converted to a Gap Assessment, to prevent students having to do multiple third attempts for the same subject generally covering the same points. We hope this streamlined process makes studying easier (and cheaper) for students.