student handbook
Student Handbook Quick Navigation
A Note from our Managing Director
Enrolment Duration & Extending
Language, Literacy & Numeracy Support
If you decide to withdraw from study for any reason, please be aware that refunds are not available for any student who has commenced the course, including having online access details provided.
For students yet to commence their studies officially, the initial deposit is only refundable if you withdraw from the course prior to the intake enrolment cut off on the 15th of the month prior.
If you withdraw after the cut off of the 15th of the month prior but before you have commenced your course or received online access details there will be no refund of the $495 initial deposit.

If you do decide to withdraw after commencing your studies, there are no refunds and the full course cost is payable. It is important to note that if you are paying for your course via instalments, you will be required to continue your payments or pay the balance in full. Withdrawing does not halt payments. Failure to do so will lead to your debt being passed to a debt collector and all fees and charges associated with this process will be payable by you.
If COVID-19 Vaccinations are mandatory in your state for veterinary staff, including placement students, there are no refunds for being unable to complete course requirements if you choose to not be vaccinated and do not have an approved medical exemption. Many clinics also have a policy that mandates all staff and placement students must be vaccinated. If a student chooses to not be vaccinated and cannot find a clinic willing to allow them to do placement, there are no course fee refunds due to being unable to complete course requirements.
All students sign an agreement at enrolment to commit to the course including it’s cost. For this reason, we urge all prospective students to consider any financial implications of study, in addition to thinking about the time commitments necssary. Enrolling onto any course of study requires commitment (both time and financial), dedication and careful consideration.
In extreme personal circumstances leading to financial hardship we may grant a partial refund if you have paid in full, or waive some of your remaining instalments if you are still paying off your course. If a refund is granted due to extenuating personal circumstances, the minimum fees of $1325 is payable in addition to any tuition fees covering any started units of competency. Statement of attainments are only provided for completed units that are fully paid for.
If you are struggling to make repayments, we urge you to contact us to discuss a short term adjustment to your instalments. Statements of attainments, transcripts or qualifications will not be issued until all outstanding fees are paid.
If you are considering withdrawing, we strongly advise you to contact Student Assist to discuss your situation. There is often always a solution.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with study and balancing life and work – we can assist you with creating a study plan and getting back on track. Never forget why you decided to enrol in the first place! Check out the Wellbeing section.