Examples of referencing using Harvard style:
What if I Can’t Find Some Information for the Reference?
Ideally, all sources should provide clear authorship and publication details for accurate referencing. However, if information is missing (such as the author or publication date), follow these Harvard referencing guidelines.
No author
Example: Veterinary Partner
In-text citations
If a source does not have a named author, use the organisation or website name as the author.
In-Text Citations for a Source with No Author
Author name included in the sentence:
As described by Veterinary Partner (2011), there are two types of disease that can afflict the intervertebral disk.
Author name not included in the sentence:
After surgery, it is a good idea to elicit a withdrawal reflex, which makes the dog aware of the feet (Veterinary Partner 2011).
Reference List Entry (No Author)
Organisation Name/Website Name (Year) Title of Article/Page. Available at: URL (Accessed: Date).
Veterinary Partner (2011), Intervertebral Disk Disease. Available at: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=PRINT&A=3215 (Accessed: 20 December 2013).
No date
If a source does not have a publication date, use (n.d.) in place of the year.
In-Text Citations for a Source with No Date
Author name included in the sentence:
As described by Veterinary Partner (n.d.), there are two types of disease that can afflict the intervertebral disk.
Author name not included in the sentence:
After surgery, it is a good idea to elicit a withdrawal reflex, which makes the dog aware of the feet (Veterinary Partner n.d.).
Reference List Entry (No Date)
Organisation Name/Website Name (n.d.) Title of Article/Page. Available at: URL (Accessed: Date).
Veterinary Partner (n.d.), Intervertebral Disk Disease. Available at: http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=PRINT&A=3215 (Accessed: 20 December 2013).