student handbook
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Student Handbook Quick Navigation
A Note from our Managing Director
Enrolment Duration & Extending
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Veterinary Nurse Solutions (VNS) is committed to maintaining a safe, respectful, and professional learning environment. Misconduct includes academic dishonesty (such as plagiarism, cheating, or falsifying records), behaviour that causes harm or distress to others, and breaches of ethical standards as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct.
Misconduct may result in disciplinary action, ranging from academic penalties to suspension or withdrawal from a course or workplace placement. The following procedure outlines how cases of misconduct will be managed fairly and transparently.
Immediate Suspension for Serious Misconduct
For serious breaches, including those posing a risk to safety or well-being:
- A student may be immediately suspended from training or a workplace for up to 72 hours by an Educator, a senior VNS staff member, or the Academic Director.
- A written statement outlining the reason for the suspension must be completed and forwarded to the Academic Director immediately.
- The Academic Director will notify the student, and if the student is under 18 years of age, their Parent or Guardian, about the suspension and next steps.
Step 1: Initial Discussion & Escalation
A VNS staff member or representative will discuss concerns with the student. If the matter is resolved at this stage, no further action is required.
If the issue remains unresolved, the staff member must escalate the matter to the Program Coordinator.
Step 2: Case Review & Notification
The Program Coordinator will review the case and determine whether an investigation is required.
If an investigation is warranted, the Program Coordinator will:
- Notify the student in writing, outlining the nature of the concerns and inviting them to provide their response.
- Brief the Academic Director on the situation.
Step 3: Evidence Gathering & Decision on Next Steps
The Program Coordinator will gather relevant evidence, including:
- Student responses
- Assessment records (if applicable)
- Reports from educators or workplace supervisors
- Any other supporting documentation
The Program Coordinator will present the findings to the Academic Director. Together, they will decide:
- Whether there is sufficient evidence to confirm misconduct, or
- Whether the student should be invited to a meeting to discuss their perspective before a decision is made.
- If a meeting is required, the student may bring a support person.
- In some cases (e.g., clear academic dishonesty such as plagiarism), a meeting may not be necessary if the evidence is conclusive.
- Notify the RTO of the student, if the student is enrolled in a nationally recognised qualification.
Step 4: Decision and Possible Outcomes
After reviewing all evidence and the student’s response, the Academic Director may take one or more of the following actions:
- Dismiss or modify the complaint if there is insufficient evidence or mitigating circumstances.
- Impose an academic penalty, such as grading an assessment as Not Satisfactory.
- Issue a formal warning, outlining expectations for future conduct.
- Suspend or withdraw the student from the course or workplace placement.
- Recommend further action, such as referral to an external body.
- The student will be formally notified of the decision in writing.
- Other involved parties, such as the RTO or the workplace, may be informed of the decision.
Step 5: Appeal Process
If the student disagrees with the decision, they may appeal the outcome via the Appeals Procedure within five (5) working days of the decision being communicated.
Record Keeping
All documentation related to the misconduct, investigation, and resolution will be confidentially stored on the student’s file.
A student has the right to appeal a decision made in relation to student misconduct if they believe:
- The decision was based on incorrect or incomplete information.
- They were denied a fair opportunity to present their case.
- The penalty imposed is disproportionate to the misconduct.
Appeals must be submitted in writing within five (5) working days of receiving the decision.
Submitting an Appeal
To lodge an appeal, the student must submit a written appeal request to the Academic Director, including:
- Their full mane.
- The decision they are appealing.
- The grounds for appeal, including any supporting evidence.
- The outcome they are seeking.
The appeal must be lodged via email or in writing via Student Assist.
Appeals Review Process
Once an appeal is received:
- The Academic Director will acknowledge receipt of the appeal within two (2) working days.
- A Review Panel will be convened within five (5) working days. The panel will consist of:
- A senior staff member not previously involved in the case. Eg the Managing Director
- The Academic Director and/or Program Coordinator to present their findings
- An additional academic or training staff member from VNS and/or the RTO not previously involved in the decision.
- The panel will review all relevant documentation, including:
- The original complaint, investigation findings, and decision.
- The student’s appeal submission and any new evidence provided.
- Any relevant policies, procedures, or academic regulations.
- The student will be given an opportunity to:
- Attend an appeal meeting (optional) to present their case.
- Bring a support person (who may not act as a legal representative).
Appeal Decision and Outcomes
After reviewing the appeal, the panel may decide to:
- Uphold the original decision if there is no evidence to support the appeal.
- Modify the decision if new evidence or mitigating circumstances are identified.
- Overturn the decision if it is found to be unfair, incorrect, or not supported by evidence.
- Adjust the penalty, if deemed excessive or inappropriate.
The student will receive a written outcome notification within five (5) working days of the appeal review. This will include:
- The decision made.
- The reasons for the decision.
- Any further actions required.
Final Decision and External Options
- The appeal decision is final within Veterinary Nurse Solutions’ internal process.
- If the student remains dissatisfied, they will be provided with information on external dispute resolution options, such as:
- Their RTO of enrolment
- An independent ombudsman or regulatory authority.
- Consumer protection or student advocacy services.
All records related to the appeal will be confidentially stored in the student’s file.