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Work Placement Requirements

As part of your course you will need to undertake volunteer work experience in order to develop your practical skills, this work experience is referred to as ‘Work Placement’.

You will need to undertake 30 days of work experience, with each day being 7.5 – 8 hours in duration. Each of your three placements will consist of 10 days. You can undertake additional days if you wish, to a maximum of 30 days in total.

It is mandatory to complete at least 75 hours per placement. However, placement structure is flexible in order to allow you to work the hours around other commitments. You can divide it up any way you like to suit you and the workplace, this includes one day a week and similar. As long as you meet the minimum hours in total and pre-placement conditions – then you can arrange it however you want.

We suggest structuring your placements to occur throughout your course, and not all in one block. Each placement will relate to specific subjects so you will complete these prior to undertaking the placement.

Suitable workplaces include pet shops with animals, shelters, boarding facilities, and groomers. Placement two workplace must have hydrobathing and grooming facilities available.